კვირა, 2024-04-28, 1:45 AM
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Online games

მთავარი » Онлайн игры » Action & Arcade

Froggy's Adventures

Guide our hero as he hops from platform to platform, gathering all of the plants before the invading creatures gobble them down. To help, he can blow bubbles that can trap the trespassers and collect powerups that grant him special abilities. All that work makes our hero hungry, so watch for the candy bonuses that appear when you beat a level quickly. Can you help Froggy save the day? Find out by playing our exciting new arcade adventure!
რეიტინგი: 0.0/0
Счетчики: 496/157
სულ კომენტარები: 0
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სულ ონლაინში: 1
სტუმარი: 1
მომხმარებელი: 0
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